Happy New Year!
The beginning of a new year often reminds us of opportunity, intention, hope, and New Year resolutions. One of my New Year resolutions is to greet each moment with this same sense of opportunity, intention, and hope. As part of these new opportunities, I am very excited to announce my upcoming presentation schedule:
Saturday, January 28th, 2017 at 10am-5pm with Noah Hass-Cohen
Child Mindfulness and Art Therapy Workshop
Hosted by the Alliant Art Therapy Club
- Great for parents, teachers, clinicians, mindfulness practitioners
- You can register for this event here: http://arttherapyclub.wixsite.com/cspp/childmindfulnessworkshop
Tuesday, January 31st, 2017, time TBD with Melissa Springstead
Mindfulness Intervention as part of Trauma Informed Care Training
Hosted by Young and Healthy
- You must be invited to this event by Young and Healthy Pasadena as part of a four-part certification series training.
Friday, March 3rd, 2017, time TBD
Child Mindfulness and Art Therapy in a School Setting: A Program Evaluation
Hosted by the AAMFT-CA Annual Conference
- Great for mental health professionals and students
- You can register for this event here:
Sunday, April 2nd, 2017 at 10am with Noah Hass-Cohen:
Self-Compassion, Mindfulness, and Art-Based Therapy for Children: Curriculum and Application
Hosted by the Expressive Therapies Summit Los Angeles and UCLArts and Healing
- Great for mental health professionals, students, parents, teachers, artists
- You can register for this event here: http://www.expressivetherapiessummit.la
Sunday April 30th, 2017 at 9:30am with Melissa Springstead: Signs and Solutions to Stress
Hosted by Growing Families at La Canada Presbyterian Church
- Great for parents, children, and families
- This event is free and open to the public, no registration is required!
I hope to meet you at these events! And I am so excited for what other great opportunities 2017 has to offer!
Rebecca Bokoch